Developers won’t be replaced by ChatGPT, say ETHDubai developers


The most recent iteration of ChatGPT has generated a lot of buzz online thanks to stellar performance on SAT tests and the identification of flaws and exploits in Ethereum smart contracts.

The extremely effective artificial intelligence (AI) language model’s most recent iteration, GPT-4, boasts “human-level performance on numerous professional and academic standards,” according to its creator OpenAI.

The GPT-4 team has not only achieved exceptional results on a variety of professional and academic benchmarks, but they have also shown the capacity to examine Ethereum smart contracts, point out flaws, and even identify new ways to abuse the code.


Conor Grogan, the director of Coinbase, provided ChatGPT with a prompt interaction in which the AI chatbot “highlighted a variety of security weaknesses” before confirming a way to abuse the contract.

The fact that ChatGPT’s suggestion holds up in light of the fact that the exact same smart contract was compromised in 2018 using the identical strategy was maybe even more intriguing.

Journalist for Cointelegraph Ezra Reguerra spoke with delegates at the ETHDubai conference this week about the latest ChatGPT upgrade and its potential to review, recommend, and offer insights to Ethereum smart contract writers.

Salman Arshad, a blockchain engineer, emphasized the relationship between ChatGPT and blockchain in light of the emphasis on Web3 in security and auditing procedures. Although smart contract auditors are expensive, ChatGPT provides a quick and affordable approach to review code:

At the ETHDubai conference, Cointelegraph journalist Ezra Reguerra spoke with blockchain developer Salman Arshad. Source: Cointelegraph

“ChatGPT and AI tools are a blessing; they are not our enemies and are not here to end the career of a developer.”

Although ChatGPT’s extensive knowledge base is one of its strengths, Arshad continued, it still needs human input for certain business logic and prompts. The advantage is that by adopting AI-powered tools, developers may complete a lot more work in a shorter amount of time:

“You know what your company wants to do. You can tell ChatGPT, and it can perfectly transform your commands into a smart contract, auditing process, document or white paper.”

Syed Ghazanfer, a different blockchain engineer, also emphasized ChatGPT’s cooperative features, which continue to be much more helpful to a wide spectrum of consumers than the possible risk of automating procedures and displacing human workers:

“I’m really in favor of ChatGPT. For it to replace you, you have to communicate requirements which are not possible in native English. That’s why we invented programming languages.”

According to Ghazanfer, ChatGPT will continue to be a helpful tool for engineers, automating tasks like reading and condensing comprehensive documentation.

As Cointelegraph has previously examined, ChatGPT is demonstrating to be a very effective tool for developers to tackle coding issues. Additionally, the AI-powered tool promises to be beneficial for security audits of Web3 platforms and smart contracts.


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